Quilt II

Here are Mollie and Christopher's baby quilts. As you can tell I am in a bright happy color phase. I think I am getting Grandma's disease of walking past fabric and just buying it because it is cool. I need to start sewing more to use some of it up or stop buying everything I walk past. I have more ideas in my head then time to do it :-) The big quilt was my sister's. I won't let her pick the pattern again. There were so many pieces to that quilt I thought it would never get done. It probably wouldn't have if Grandma hadn't helped a lot. I would cut, trim and iron and she would sew. Robin was thanking her lucky stars for Grandma that is for sure. None of us have ever had a store bought blanket to use and I don't think we can start now. That is why I had to take up the torch. Grandma can't sew anymore and we can't sleep without our quilts :-) She kept us supplied for at least 50 years. Between her taking pictures and sewing quilts and clothes she must have spent her fortune. I am sure she wouldn't have traded it for a bank full of money and we are all grateful for that.
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